It makes incredibly addictive. It's so simple: you just try to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. When playing first, one feels like the card game "President" or "Great Dalmuti". Only Tichu offers much more possibilities than the easier copies.
Two teams of two people each compete against each other. The game consists of 56 cards, in four colors 2 to As and four special cards. First, you can push one of your cards to another player and get one back. The player with the one (one of the special cards) begins the game. The other players must always operate (and overbid) or fit the played type. Types are, for example, single cards, couples, streets or full houses. If there is a team to get ready instead of one and two, the team will get 200 points. All other games give a maximum of 100 points. In addition, a player can score another 100 points by calling a Tichu. He then claims to be the first to be finished before placing his first card.
Tichu is a team game. You're just good when you understand your partner. You play Tichu normal to 1000 points. The individual games go very quickly. Only everyone should be warned: Whoever starts with Tichu never stops again!
Hilfe zu den Regeln von Tichu und eine Anleitung zur Nutzung des Spiels findest Du hier.
Verlag | Fatamorgana |
Autor | Urs Hostettler |
Spieleranzahl | 4 |
Spieldauer | 80 Minuten |
Spieltyp | Kartenspiel |
Alter | ab 10 |
Preis | ca. 6 EUR |
Auszeichnungen | keine |
Anleitung & Regeln. |