Winning Moves brought Vabanque to BSW in autumn 2001. The game, written by the well-known authors Bruno Faidutti (Citadels) and Leo Colovini (Carolus Magnus) takes place in a casino. Players try to cleverly place their stakes and their action cards. You bluff and trick the other players into making the wrong move, then winner takes all! Vabanque is a fast play for merry rounds. The variable player number makes play passport possible in most diverse rounds. How courageous are you?
Hilfe zu den Regeln von Vabanque und eine Anleitung zur Nutzung des Spiels findest Du hier.
Winning Moves | |
Autor | Bruno Faidutti, Leo Colovini |
Spieleranzahl | 3-7 |
Spieldauer | 20 Minutes |
Spieltyp | Bluffing Game |
Alter | 12+ |
Preis | Ca. 14 Euro |
Auszeichnungen | None |
Anleitung & Regeln. |