Puerto Rico has hit in the game scene like no more game since "The settlers of Catan". Since the games fair in Essen in October 2001 (where it was playable as a prototype) no week passed without discussing strategies or tactics for this game in a forum.
Now in 2010, now eight years after the show, one can certainly speak of a modern classic. We are pleased to be able to present the game again in the BrettspielWelt from February 2010 in cooperation with the Heidelberger Spieleverlag.
Players colonise the New World and try to ship as many goods as possible to the Old World through skillful choices of roles that they have produced on their plantations by means of production buildings.
Puerto Rico goes over several rounds. In each round each player chooses a character that allows each player an action and himself a privilege. Who can benefit most from the actions of fellow players? Whose strategy is the best? A game with almost endless possibilities...
Hilfe zu den Regeln von Puerto Rico und eine Anleitung zur Nutzung des Spiels findest Du hier.
Verlag | Heidelberger/Alea |
Autor | Andreas Seyfarth |
Spieleranzahl | 3-5 |
Spieldauer | 40 Minuten |
Spieltyp | Siedlerspiel |
Alter | ab 10 |
Preis | ca. 35 Euro |
Auszeichnungen | Nominiert für SdJ 2002, 1.Platz Deutscher Spielepreis 2002 |
Anleitung & Regeln. |