Who solves the task and creates the most points?
The new cube game “cribing” is about fulfilling the respective task and thereby achieving the highest possible cube sum. The cubes not only have the known numerical values from 1 to 6, but the sides also have different colors!
Who is a zoker and dice again, although he has already solved the task with the right colors? Then there could be even more points, but the task could also be completely grounded!
Every round, all players must perform the same tricky task. For example, to create exactly one green cube or equal to many yellow and blue cubes. Each player in his train may dice up to three times. Before each new attempt, it is necessary to decide whether thrown cubes are put aside, previously laid cubes are added to the cube again or are no longer cubed. But be careful, all six cubes must fulfill the current task!
Anyone who solves the task and reaches the highest cube sum gets the most points. The tasks are on one block and it is played from top to bottom. Sounds easy, but it must be weighed and zoomed. Maybe you've already solved the task at the first throw, but the number of eyes on the dice is not high enough for you. You decide to change the throw completely or partially by a new attempt. But be careful, it may be that the next litters will not get better or the specification is no longer fulfilled. If the task is not solved, the player has another chance: He may enter his numerical value into the creep field. But here it is necessary to make sure that the number for the tingling field must always be higher than in the previous tingling fields.
Once all rows of the score sheet have been filled and evaluated, the game ends. The player with the highest overall result wins the game!
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Verlag | Ravensburger |
Autor | Thomas Sing |
Spieleranzahl | 2-5 |
Spieldauer | 10-20 min |
Spieltyp | Kniffeliges Würfelspiel |
Alter | ab 8 |
Preis | ca. 12 EUR |
Auszeichnungen | - noch keine - |
Anleitung & Regeln. |