1289. To consolidate the borders of the French Empire, King Philipp der Schöne decides to build a new castle. At the moment Caylus is only an insignificant settlement, but soon workers and builders will flow in large numbers, attracted by riches that the planned building can bring to you. Around the construction site, a city begins to develop...
Caylus is a strategic treat for all players who want to experience a variety of ways to win. Players try to maximize their winning points as a builder. It is always a fork between taking and giving. Because you also need help and buildings from fellow players to reach their goals. However, one likes to put another stone in the way.
By choosing to move forward in a favor table in different areas, the game offers completely different ways to get to its own win points. The game creativity is barely limited.
Hilfe zu den Regeln von Caylus und eine Anleitung zur Nutzung des Spiels findest Du hier.
Verlag | Ystari |
Autor | William Attia |
Spieleranzahl | 3-5 |
Spieldauer | 60-90 Minuten |
Spieltyp | Strategiespiel |
Alter | ab 12 |
Preis | 29,90 |
Auszeichnungen | Deutscher Spielepreis 2006 |
Anleitung & Regeln. |