Bean Duel: No, the players do not throw each other with beans, they steal these and try to get as many beans as possible into their large bowl, because this decides about victory and defeat.
The rules are incredibly simple: Each player has four small and a large bowl. Whoever is on the line brings new beans into play or takes a bean from the game. If new beans are placed in an empty bowl, the beans are classified in the foreign bowl. From the game you can only take beans if in the small bowl you want to empty are just as many beans as this bowl is removed from the large bowl. So both players must always make sure that they don't want too much and that they suddenly have too many beans in a bowl. Because then the opponent likes to come and steal!
For one or another, maybe too dry. But just in this primitiveness of the game lies its fascination!
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Verlag | aus "Spiele anders als andere" von Sid Sackson |
Autor | Arthur & Wald Amberstone |
Spieleranzahl | 2 |
Spieldauer | 10 Minuten |
Spieltyp | Bohnenspiel |
Alter | ab 10 |
Preis | --- |
Auszeichnungen | keine |
Anleitung & Regeln. |