Clever in 3 steps to win
Plane: Put a plate on the board that matches the letter, number or symbol. Plan good, because there are only one plate.
Block: Block your fellow players: Take a plate and cross their plans! Place platelets on platelets and form large areas - avoid small groups.
Profits: Large areas formed and taken only a few platelets? You win!
Verlag | Amigo Spiele |
Autor | Kory Heath |
Spieleranzahl | 2-5 |
Spieldauer | 20 Minuten |
Spieltyp | Legespiel |
Alter | ab 8 |
Preis | ca. 18 Euro |
Auszeichnungen | Empfehlungsliste SpielDesJahres 2011 |
Anleitung & Regeln. |