Try to "underjudge" your cards with the horn ochses as skillfully as possible. But be careful so that you are not even the fool at the end. Because only those who attach as cleverly as possible to one of four rows of cards are allowed to laugh in the box. Whoever puts the sixth card on a row must record the first five. It's taking minus points.
6 takes! is a completely new, sophisticated card game that no longer lets you go.
This is how to play 6:
Hilfe zu den Regeln von 6 nimmt! und eine Anleitung zur Nutzung des Spiels findest Du hier.
Verlag | Amigo |
Autor | Wolfgang Kramer |
Spieleranzahl | 2-8 |
Spieldauer | 30 Minuten |
Spieltyp | Familienspiel |
Alter | ab 8 |
Preis | ca. 5 Euro |
Auszeichnungen | Spiel des Jahres: Auswahlliste (1994), Deutscher Spielepreis Platz: 1 (1994) |
Anleitung & Regeln. |