Tutor commands

The Brettspielwelt offers a special Tutor Service for all new users. Experienced users are encouraged to participate. Newbies can choose if they want to receive help from tutors when they first log in. The following commands are of interest:

How does a Beginner get Help in BSW?

Opens up a chat window with a tutor who can answer your questions about Brettspielwelt. (This command is intended for newbies and is no longer available for users of rank W3/K3 or higher).
Transports you to a tutor who can answer your questions about Brettspielwelt. (This command is intended for newbies and is no longer available for users of rank W3/K3 or higher).

What can a tutor do?

/tutor on|off|switch
Use this command to toggle the tutor function on/off. This is how you become a Tutor.
/forward NAME
The tutor forwards to another tutor {name}, because he is busy at the moment. You must be /tutor on to use this command.
Shows a list of all present tutors in the world. Their tutor mode status is also displayed: A star in front of someone's name means the user has tutor mode on.

Which additional Tutor Instructions are there?


/animal NAME animal
Changes name into an animal name. Please try out which animal names are available!
All animal names are in English and in lower case.


/anti// on|off|switch
Ignore the // comand. The tutor can also see who typed the // text.


The tell window is always on top and no longer in the collect chat.


/vipcolor NAME {color1,color2,color3,color4}
The tell window is colored.
color1 = Background color for the chat
color2 = Text color for the chat
color3 = Background color for the command line
color4 = Text color for the command line
Colors: green, red, blue, orange, grey, cyan, black, white, yellow or hexadecimal like in html e.g. #ffc48a


/bmute NAME [off]
Mute all yells for somebody (/bmute name), and undo (/bmute name off).

Advisor (Ratgeber)

/join NAME
You can join somebody else to the game.