Rank Dependent Commands
Some commands are available to everyone; other commands are only available after reaching a certain rank.
Tagelöhner (Day Laborer) / Ministrant (Ministrant) (W/K 1)
- Only NAME can hear your TEXT. NAME has to be in the same room.
- /24h off|on
- In the player info. the hour distribution information can be switched on or off. After you register with BSW, the default is set to "on".
- /email off|on
- In the player's info window, your E-Mail address is switched on or off.
- /newroom SPIELNAME
- This command creates a new virtual room. Possible only if no more than two gamesrooms of a type,in the whole world, are free.
Als registrierter User hat man die Möglichkeit, einige Listen zu führen, um bestimmte Dinge zu erleichtern oder zu verbieten. Jeder Spieler konfiguriert dabei seine ganz persönlichen Einstellungen. Es gibt bis zu zehn verschiedene Listen, einige davon rangabhängig:
- mute
- If you have added a player's name on your 'mute' list, then all their text messaging is suppressed on your screen. You can further suppress seeing their transactions by using the command “/add *”.
- watch
- When you add someone to your watch list, you will be informed whenever that user enters the world.
- friends
- On this list you can register players, with whom you enjoy playing with. You can use the list then for filtering in the Game Partner Tool.
- The names of the players of this list are represented in the window Room Tool as green.
- bad
- On this list you can register players, with whom you do not want to play with. You can use the list then for filtering in the Game Partner Tool.
- The names of the players of this list are represented in the window Room Tool as red.
- antiping
- If a player is on your “antiping” list, then they can not ping you.
- Available at: Level (W/K13)
- antiwatch
- If a player IS on your “antiwatch” list, then they cannot put you on their “watch” - list.
- Available at: Level(W/K15)
- antitell
- If a player is on your “antitell” list, then he cannot open a “/tell” channel witth you.
- Available at: Level(W/K17)
- favourite
- The favorites list contains the your favourite games. These are then displayed in the Game Manager list and can be filtered in the Game Partner Tool.
- channelfav
- The favorites list for your channels contains your channel preferences and priotitizes them in the Channel Window.
- guild
- Damit kann man eine persönliche Gildenliste führen.
You can use these lists by using the following commands. Alternatively, you can edit your lists via the List Tool.
- The player NAME is added the LIST:
- Example: /add mute Attenpeter (All Attenpeter's text messaging is now suppressed on your screen).
- /add watch Otalo respond to trade (When Otalo enters BSW, prompt with 'respond to trade'.
- Für die watch-Liste kann zusätzlich noch ein Sound angegeben werden, der beim Einloggen des Betreffenden dann abgespielt wird (siehe Listenwerkzeug).
- /add watch SLC CS-Liga (S-aahh.wav)
- /add antitell * final - do not disturb please (then everyone who tries to open a 'tell' with you receives the phrase you input “final - please do not disturb”).
- You can use a Pipe (|) to ceate a group:
- Example:/add watch SLC |CS-Liga
- /delete LIST NAME
- User NAME is deleted from list LIST
- eg.: /delete watch Exfriend
- /clear LIST
- Clears the list entirely.
- Example: /clear antitell (everyone can open a private chat with you again)
- /list LIST
- Shows you the content of the named list.
- Example: /list watch (all players in your WATCH list are shown.)
- /save
- This instruction stores your settings and keeps these settings, even when you log off.
- /friendsonline
- This command lists all players omn your WATCH list who are currently on-line.
- You can show groups by using a Pipe (|) (see “/add….”), one can query these selectively:
- Beispiele:/friendsonline |GRUPPE (Listet alle anwesenden User der watch-Liste auf, die mit "/add watch NAME |GRUPPE" gespeichert wurden.)
- /friendsonline |(S-meinsound.wav) (Listet alle anwesenden User der watch-Liste auf, die mit dem Sound "meinsound.wav" abgespeichert wurden.)
Knecht/Magd (Servant) / Küster (Sexton) (W/K 2)
- Emotes text, i.e. the double dot behind your username disappears.
- Example: kilt46 types :is happy
- Output: kilt46 is happy (Notice the colon has gone)
Lehrling (Apprentice) / Novice (Novice) (W/K 3)
- /ping NAME
- Opens a window for player NAME and makes a heck of a noise.
- Please read the information about proper use of commands.
Bauer (Farmer) / Mönch/Nonne (Monk/Nun) (W/K 4)
- /name NAME
- Changing your name. The change is only virtual, therefore it will only show like this while you are still on-line. It will be reset when you next log on.
- eg.: /name Peter
- To change your name to a registered one, the password has to be appended.
- eg.: /name tobelli ThisisSecret
- It is not necessary to enter your password to use your original login name.
Geselle (Journeyman/Journeywoman) / Diakon (Deacon/Deaconess) (W/K 5)
- /masterreset
- This command initiates a concensus to restart a game. You can either '/accept' to reset the game or '/refuse' to reject the proposal. The majority of the players levels will decide the proposal even if you did not reply.
- Please read the information about proper use of commands.
Knappe/Zofe (Squire/Matron) / Kaplan (Chaplain) (W/K 6)
The two following commands can be used provided one of the two players involved has obtained this rank.
- /peek x
- You try to peek into the cards of the player on position x.
- /allowpeek yes|no
- That player can accept it with /allowpeek yes or refuse it with /allowpeek no. Very useful for teaching games.
Handwerksmeister (Craftsman/Craftswoman) / Vikar (Vikar) (W/K 7)
- /emotion TEXT
- Sets your emotion to TEXT. It is attached to the front of your rank name. If you turn your /title on, everyone can see it.
- Example: /emotion happy kilt46's name would show happy kilt46 in the prompt.
- /add channelfav CHANNELNAME
- This command lets you move your favourite channels further up in the Channel Window.
- /delete channelfav CHANNELNAME
- Channels will then be sorted alphabetically again.
Kaufmann (Businessman/Businesswoman) / Pfarrer (Minister) (W/K 8)
- /puppet SimplePuppet NAME or /puppet SP NAME
- Starts a SimplePuppet with the specified name. The name cannot be the same as a registered user. You can talk and hear through it.
- /.Puppetname /COMMAND
- Your Puppet executes COMMAND.
- Example: /.Testpuppet /who makes the puppet TESTPUPPET to place a “/who” command in the area, where it is.
- /.Puppetname TEXT
- Example: /.Testpuppet hello will say hello to everyone in the immediate area.
- You take over an abandoned puppet called PUPPETNAME.
- This command frees up the control of a puppet.
- Kicks the puppet out of BSW.
- Please read the information about proper use of commands.
Zunftmeister (Tradesman/Tradeswoman) / Dekan (Dean) (W/K 9)
- /puppet CommandPuppet PUPPETNAME URL or /puppet CP PUPPETNAME URL
- Startet eine CommandPuppet mit dem Quellcode der URL. Mehr über die Bedienung von CommandPuppets kann man hier nachlesen.
Patrizier (Patrician) / Prior (Prior) (W/K 10)
- /summon NAME
- You can summon/beam another NAMEd user with a rank lower than yourself to where you currently are.
- Please read the information about proper use of commands.
- /gsummon NAME
- If you are sitting in a game room, you can summon/beam another NAMEd user with a rank lower than yourself to where you currently are.
- Please refer to the page about proper use of commands.
Ritter/Lady (Knight/Lady) / Abt (Abbott) (W/K 11)
- /beam NAME ROOM
- Teleports users with lower level to ROOM.
- Please read the information about proper use of commands.
Freiherr (Landlord/Landlady) / Probst (Provost) (W/K 12)
Once you have reached this rank you can receive a piece of land if you are citizen of a town other than ARMfeld. You can then /lock your garden if you are not in the mood to receive guests. Execute /lock again to unlock it.
- You can change the name of your own garden as you like. E.g. /estate Tom's garden
- /changeresi NAME
- Changes the look of your residence. 1 means the traditional house, 2 the smurf house, 3 the dragon cave and 4 the teepee. For this modification the owner buys 20 wood and 20 stone at the stock exchange at his expense.
More detailed explanations of these two commands can be found at Commands for Citizens.
Graf (Count/Countess) / Weihbischof (Suffragan Bishop) (W/K 13)
- antiping
- You are now allowed to use the antiping list. Refer to the start of the page under Using Lists.
- /kick NAME
- Kicks NAME out of BSW, i.e., disconnects NAME. Due to continous abuse of this command, its range has been greatly reduced. You will find the rules on this page.
- Please refer to the page about proper use of commands.
Fürst (Baron/Baroness) / Prälat (Prelate) (W/K 14)
- //TEXT
- TEXT is displayed without your username at the beginning of the line.
- Please read the information about proper use of commands.
Großfürst (Duke/Duchess) / Bischof (Bishop) (W/K 15)
- antiwatch
- You are now allowed to use the antiwatch list. Refer to the start of the page User Lists.
- /changegame GAMENAME
- As a W15/K15 you can place a game in your house. Use this command to set the game type which can be played there. You must be inside your house to use this command. It does not cost anything to perform this command the first time, however, each subsequent time will cost you 5% of your total worth. Use the name quoted in the Game Partner Tool as the game name.
- /alive Name
- This command measures the connection speed between the BSW server and player NAME. This is also know as a 'real' ping. With this command you can test if the computer of a player is still connected to the server.
Herzog (Grand Duke/Grand Duchess) / Legat (Legat) (W/K 16)
- /yell 1|2|...|7 TEXT
- You can yell through the hole world with a volume of 1-7. More informations here.
Kurfürst (Elector) / Erzbischof (Archbishop) (W/K 17)
- antitell
- You are allowed to use the antitell list. Refer to here.
Prinz (Prince/Princess) / Nuntius (Nuncio/Nuncia) (W/K 18)
- /whois NAME
- Shows you the orginal username of NAME. Useful when people have changed their name with the /name command.
Kronprinz (Crown Prince/Crown Princess) / Kardinal (Cardinal) (W/K 19)
No additional commands available.
König (King/Queen) / Kardinalpräfekt (Prefect Cardinal) (W/K 20)
No additional commands available.
Kaiser (Emperor/Empress) / Papst (Pope) (W/K 21)
No additional commands available.