Prop Files

Downloading the client gives you the possibility of auto logins, a customizable toolbar, the option to put commands on function keys, and more. To customize the download client, you must edit Brettspielwelt.prop (prop: Abbreviation of property = property) with a text editor (not Word or similar but eg notepad or editor) open. The Prop file is located in the BSW directory. In a default Windows the file is usually under C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\BSW\ or, with an older client version, is still under C:\WINDOWS\BSW\ (Windows XP). The AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows, so, if necessary, so make it visible on Folder Options.

Alternatively, you can open the prop file itself within the client using the /showprop command.

Careful Vista/W7-User! With the older version of the BSW Client, Vista would publish the *.prop file in C:\install\programs. This can make it difficult to edit the file since Vista prevents saving changes in this location. If you are experiencing this, remove the current copy of the software and Latest Down-loadable Version.

What should you be careful of when editing this file

  • It's always a good idea to keep a backup copy of your PROP file, just in case.
  • The changes you make to your prop file will only take place at your next login.
  • Each line MUST be a separate command.
  • The order of the commands does not matter. User-defined menus can be tagged at the front of a command to create menu sequences.
  • Be careful! Blanks or TABs at the end of a line may make the prop file compile incorrectly, then you won't be able to enter BSW! can lead to the fact that entering of the world is not possible. Blanks can however be used within menu commands to make your menus more meaningful.
  • Everything placed after a '#' is considered a comment and not executed by the computer. '#' Characters are particularly useful as reference texts for later review.
  • Blank lines will be ignored and are treated like the # comments.
  • The structure used in each line takes the form
Command = Value.

Internet Connection Commands

Internet connection options can be omitted and usually default to you PC settings. In our example they have been commented out.

#Host =
#Port = 7670

This IP address and port are used to attempt to connect to the BSW server.

#HttpProxyHost =
#HttpProxyPort = 8080

These settings allow you to connect through a proxy server with the data indicated. For example, you can use the configuration settings of a Web browser.

#reconnect = 10

If your connection is lost, this variable defines the time taken before the computer tries to reconnect to BSW. The time is specified in seconds.


Name = Nickname
Password = password

These settings allow you to define your username and password. They are used for requesting information for the connection. In case of error in these settings (including the presence of a space character at the end of line) you will enter BSW as "Geist". Since these are case sensitive, if you make a mistake with Capitals/Shift Key you will enter BSW as an unregistered player.

Room = C1-117

This command will take you direct to Room C1-117. If you wish to only go to the town C1 LosVelozes, use C1 as the room number.

Game = VabanqueBoard

In Room C1-117 is for example the game Vabanque. If you set this room as your entry point, you will be taken directly to the game table. If we do not want to start at the game, you should make this code inactive by placing a '#' in front of it.

Room = CX-Y

Game = Manager2Board

These two commands can be entered on the command line while you are in the game manager of a certain town. Replace the CX-Y with the room number defined by the town manager.

Language Selection

Nation = en

The Nation parameter sets the language in which the server information will be displayed. For details of acronyms, see the Languages page.

Client Video Settings

WinWidth = 1220
WinHeight = 990

This command allows you to configure the size of the client window. You can use the function / getSize to find the current parameter values after setting manually with the mouse. For optimal graphics it is recommended to use a standard widths of 610, 915 or 1220 to display certain (older) games better.

WinPosX = -3
WinPosY = -3

This command fixes the position of the upper left corner of the window.

foType = Helvetica
foSize = 12
foCol = 000000
bgCol = DDDDDD
inpfoCol = 000000
inpbgCol = FFFFFF

The parameters of the main chat window can be configured: font (foType), size (foSize), colour (foCol), background colour (bgcol), command line colour (inpfoCol), command line background colour (inpbgCol). The colours can be seen @ hexadecimal colours.

tell_foType = Helvetica
tell_foSize = 12
tell_foCol = 000000
tell_bgCol = A4A4F0
tell_inpfoCol = 000000
tell_inpbgCol = FFFFFF

Parameter settings for 'Tell' windows.

chan_foType = Helvetica
chan_foSize = 12
chan_foCol = 000000
chan_bgCol = FFFFDE
chan_inpfoCol = 000000
chan_inpbgCol = FFFFFF

Parameter settings for 'Channel' windows.

MenuBar = on

This function activates the menu bar above the toolbar. The contents of the menu bar can be defined in the Prop file. See further info.

MenuBarFontName = Helvetica
MenuBarFontSize = 10

Font settings on the Menu Bar

MenuFontName = Helvetica
MenuFontSize = 10

Font settings for Menu text

IconFontName = Helvetica
IconFontSize = 10
IconFontColor = ffffff

Font settings for the Toolbar

IconOnly = on

This setting displayed only icons on the toolbar.

IconHelp = on

This function enables the display of hover over help on the toolbar.

UserListTool-Display = NameOnly

With the Room tool the user ids of the players in your area are shown. Use the extension (NameTech) to show their ranks also, and the extension (NameTechTitle) you can see their titles too.

UserListTool-DisplayStr=%N (%L) %T %R

Sets the standard for the Room Tool.where %N(Name),%L(Language),%T(Title) and %R(Rank) can be used and/or placed in order. You can also set some parameters in brackets. With he below configuration the display will look like this:

ARMistice (de) Patrizier W10

UserListTool-DisplayBubbleStr=%N %L %T %R

Configure the display for the help text using the Current People tool. The parameters are the same as the previous configuration.

toolStyle = red

Sets the colour of the window frame. Configurations available are: black, blackShiny, austria, spring, woodShiny, plainGray, white and frame1.

OpenTools = off

If this parameter is set to off the window tools will not automatically open. (e.g. the Info tool which retrieves the details of a player). This prevents the embarrassment of tools popping open when entering BSW.

CityBanner = West

This setting places the city banner on the left hand border of the screen. You can set this parameter to East to place it in the right border. Since banners have a width of 48 pixels you need to use the parameter WinWidth to increase your screen by 48 pixels (see above).

CollectChat = on

This setting enables Collective Chat, the window that gathers all channels.

CollectChatBlinkCount = 3

This parameter specifies the number of times the text flashes in the respective channel, when a new message has been written.

CollectChatLocation = West

The Collective Chat typically appears on the right side of the channel area by default. With the value West you can shift it to the left side.

CollectChatFix = on

This parameter sets the movement of text in a channel/tell Window; ie when something is written in a channel, it no longer automatically goes upwards.

Time = on

Activates a time stamp at the beginning of every chat line.

Game Manager


You can select different backgrounds for the Game Manager. In addition to the standard "newblack" you can select from "newstone", "newwood", "light", "tradlight" und "newwin"

geselligkeitMode = X

Sets the expected gaming experience in the Game Manager. X is the sum of the numeric codes of the configured experience levels.

  • 1 = Learning Round
  • 2 = Beginners Welcome
  • 4 = Casual Game
  • 8 = Quick Game
  • 16 = Expert

For example a setting of X = 31 will include on all levels in the filter. With X = 24 you will see only the quick and expert games.


Turns off the Help (box) in the manager.

Function keys

The functional keys F1 to F9 can be programmed with commands or texts. They can also be programmed in combination with the shift key.

FKey1 = */manager
FKey2 = +/ghook
FKey3 = +/room
ShiftFKey3 = -C105

Shortcuts can execute actions in three different ways:
A command starting with "*" is executed directly in the active chat window.
N.B. Most commands work only in the main Console command line and are not recognized when executed in a chat window or channel.
A command starting with "+" is posted in the target window, however the action is not completed. This method therefore allows for you to add extra inputs to the command text such as after /ghook you can add the player's name or after /room you can add the desired room number. You can add the needed space in your command in your prop file to make it easier to use.
A command starting with "-" the text is written to the current cursor position. In the above example, the shortcut ShiftFKey3 = -C105 after using the /room command would give /room C105 .

C-FKey1 = */chwho
C-FKey2 = +Moin
ShiftC-FKey8 = */exit

You can also use the same methodology for channel commands. See Channel Commands.

User Defined Menus

It is possible to make your own menus and sub-menus for the Menu Bar, for example move to commands, web page shortcuts or other personalized shortcuts. Spaces should NOT be used but replaced by a '_'.

MenuGame-Reset-R = */reset
MenuGame-Join-J = +/join
MenuGame-Start-S = */start
MenuGame-Accept = */accept
MenuGame-Refuse = */refuse
MenuGame-MasterReset-M = */masterreset

In the above example a menu is created called Game with six options. The structure of each menu option is arranged as follows:

Menu[MenuName]-[MenuElement]-[Hotkey] = [Command/Text]

The use of a shortcut is optional and the command or the text is the same as using the function keys. You can use Ctrl and Ctrl+Shft to immediately execute the command.

MenuGame-*Separator* = dummy

This will add a separator-line in the Game Menu.

MenuWebseiten-BrettspielWelt =
MenuWebseiten-Staedte-ARMfeld =

Here are two examples: 1) You can save text as a WEB address. This WEB address will automatically open a browser and send the address to the browser. 2) You can also make sub-menus to house many WEB addresses. Just add a "-" with the sub-menu name after the main menu name.

Textual Menus - User Defined

The menus in the Channel Collect can also be customized. The syntax is similar to keyboard shortcuts with 2 exceptions: the dollar "$" is replaced by the player's name. When a command begins with an exclamation mark "!", it is carried out immediately in the channel or tell window.

ContextMenuTell-ghook = */ghook $

Executes the command /ghook to the chosen player.

ContextMenuTell-Hi = !*Hoi $

This parameter lets you initiate a /tell with someone in the Room

ContextMenuChan-ChWho = !*/chwho

Executes the command /chwho in the chosen channel.

Menu entries for the Room tool in the tool bar

You can also add your own items to the drop down menu button Room Tool in the toolbar.

ContextMenuUser-AddWatchKommentar = +/add watch $
ContextMenuUser-AddFriends = */add friends $

Hilfen für Menschen mit Seheinschränkungen


This option used the old "Einfach Genial" colour scheme.

CarcassonneColor1 = ff00ff
ManitouColor1 = ffff00

This parameter lets you change the colours for different player positions. The colour values use Hexadecimal Values. The figure indicates the position of the player. In the example the colour of player 1 is set up to lilac for Carcassonne and Yellow for Manitou.

CarcassonneColorBig1 = ff00ff

This parameter lets you modify the colour of the largest meeple to make it more obvious whilst playing Carcassonne.

Altcolors = on

This option allows the colours to match more distinct applications. Currently supported games: attribute, Carcassonne and CantStop.

Bei den meisten Spielen kann man auch die verwendete Schriftart verändern:


Der erste Wert hinter dem "=" ist dabei der Fontname, danach 0 für Normalschrift bzw. 1 für Fettschrift, dahinter die Schriftgröße.

Will man diese Werte nur für gewissen Sprachen überschreiben, kann man diese in Klammern angeben:


Welche Schriftarten für die verschiedenen Spielteile vorhanden sind, lässt sich in der string-Datei des entsprechenden Spieles ablesen. Diese findet man im BSW-Ordner unter localized/SPRACHE/strings/SPIELNAME.string (evt. auch localized/SPRACHE/strings/SPIELNAME.string_UTF-8). Also z.B. D:/BSW/localized/de/strings/SantaCruz.string

StoreFontCol = ff0000

This parameter lets you change the font colour used inside the Warehouse.


TellMsgSound = on
ChanMsgSound = on
MainMsgSound = on

These parameters will produce a tone when any of the Tell-/Channel windows are used, similar to instant messaging clients.

Other/Sound Commands

AutoSave = on

Executes the /save automatically when you exit the client in order to save your current lists.

Spielespezifische Einstellungen

WizardWings = on

Aide for playing Wizard. For more detailed information can be found in the Wizard Online Guide.

Grimoria.PlayerColor1 = 0000FF

Ändert die Spielerfarben in Grimoria. Im Beispiel hätte Spieler 1 dann blau.

Grimoria.CardPopup = off

Wen die aufploppenden Karten in Grimoria stören, kann sie hiermit ausschalten. Anschalten geht entsprechend wieder mit "on".