Player information
Player Information | |
Player Avatar | ![]() |
Player Name | zcrosby |
User ID | 155258 |
Title | Businessman [W8] |
City | C0 ARMfeld |
MUSpiele | 1259 |
Games | 1259 (1259 MU-games and SU-games) |
Registered on | 01.09.2006 |
Birthday | 13.08.1980 |
Language | English (en) |
Appear line | zcrosby comes |
Disappear line | zcrosby goes |
Login line | zcrosby erscheint ploetzlich aus dem Nichts. |
Logout line | zcrosby loest sich in Luft auf. |
Description | Hi, sometimes my router goes down during a game. If this happens, I will come back immediately. I never leave a game on purpose and I will always come back!!!! It won't take longer than a minute most times!!! Please wait for me to return if this happens. Thanks, and have fun! |