Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player Namezcrosby
User ID155258
TitleBusinessman [W8]
CityC0 ARMfeld
Games1259 (1259 MU-games and SU-games)
Registered on01.09.2006
LanguageEnglish (en)
Appear linezcrosby comes
Disappear linezcrosby goes
Login linezcrosby erscheint ploetzlich aus dem Nichts.
Logout linezcrosby loest sich in Luft auf.
DescriptionHi, sometimes my router goes down during a game. If this happens, I will come back immediately. I never leave a game on purpose and I will always come back!!!! It won't take longer than a minute most times!!! Please wait for me to return if this happens. Thanks, and have fun!