
TitelLehrling [W3]
StadtC0 ARMfeld
Spiele167 (57 MU/110 SU)
SpracheDeutsch (de)
Betretenwhatsername21 meets her loved soul mate Johnny and is partying up with him..
Verlassenwhatsername21 leaves drug-obsessed Johnny behind and goes back to Jingletown. He forgets her, but not the time.
Loginwhatsername21 sorry.. don't know what to write to you whatsername.. i love you :**♥ rage & love GLORIA!!.
Logoutwhatsername21: "its't too childish here. come on teddy- let's go.!!:D"
BeschreibungI'm a rebel and i'm dangerous. once you knew me and you can remember my face but you just don't know my name so you named me Whatsername. you thought you saw me walking down the street but it was only a dream. when i see the mirror of myself i think it's an image i want to sell to anyone willy to buy.