Player Avatar |  |
Player Name | tassle |
User ID | 9862 |
Title | Die Hexe [W19] |
City | C136 Düsterwald |
MUSpiele | 17803 |
SUSpiele | 3852 |
Games | 21655 (17803 MU-games and 3852 SU-games) |
Registered on | 07.11.2001 |
Language | Düsterwäldlerisch (bsw-dw) |
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Appear line | tassle never cared for what they do, never cared for what they say |
Disappear line | tassle never sees the sudden curve until it's way to late |
Login line | tassle - Engel und Luder, manchmal geliebt und manchmal gelyncht |
Logout line | tassle - just when you think you've got me figured out the season's already changing |
Description | Frag nach... in channels, im Spiel oder per tell |