Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player Namesmall_brain
User ID67584
TitleKaufmann [W8]
CityC34 Reality-Town
Games34158 (34153 MU-games and 5 SU-games)
Registered on21.07.2004
LanguageDeutsch (de)
Appear linesmall_brain is there out of nothing
Disappear linesmall_brain is the air
Login linesmall_brain is there to play
Logout linesmall_brain gone with the wind
Description.................................................................................. So you are spineless and drop when you lose? Then fuck off and don't dare to ask me for a game. If you dropped once i will never waste my time on you chicken again. Your quota is built on your Run-Aways and isn't worth a dime. Hindi heart /// carcassonne freak /// punjabi mind /// free soul /// a bit too aspiring /// The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others.