Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player Namehweller
User ID84072
TitleCrown Prince [W19]
CityC67 Burgundy.Ridge
Games12330 (12128 MU-games and 202 SU-games)
Registered on19.12.2004
LanguageAmerican English (en-us)
Appear linehweller, the levitating judge, floats in. All rise.
Disappear linehweller might be back under another nick … how would you ever know?
Login linehweller wishes good luck to all / wünscht allen viel Glück
Logout linehweller rolls the dice so hard they bounce off the table
DescriptionI live just south of San Francisco, near the ocean. Ich spreche Deutsch schlecht, ich benutze # was manchmal unfreiwillig komisch ist!