Bild |  |
Spielername | ardilla |
Registriernummer | 44008 |
Titel | Ministrant [K1] |
Stadt | C0 ARMfeld |
MUSpiele | 8 |
SUSpiele | 10 |
Spiele | 18 (8 MU/10 SU) |
Registrierdatum | 18.01.2004 |
Sprache | Deutsch (de) |
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Betreten | ardilla they kicked me out for being too stupid...can i play here ? ;-) |
Verlassen | ardilla looks over his shoulder with a little tear in his eye and climbs on the next tree... |
Login | ardilla looks confused but has all good intentions of the world |
Logout | ardilla gives up! |
Beschreibung | ardilla speaks spanish, english and on very special days even a little bit of german :-)) |