
TitelRitter [W11]
StadtC0 ARMfeld
Spiele1235 (1235 MU/ SU)
SpracheDeutsch (de)
BetretenWillyWonka: Everything in this room is eatable. Even Im eatable. But thats called cannibalism my dear children
VerlassenWillyWonka: whipped cream isnt whipped cream at all unless its been whipped with whips. Everybody knows that.
LoginWillyWonka: Good morning, starshine... the earth says hello!
LogoutWillyWonka: If you had to choose only one half of your son, which one would it be?
Beschreibung#Willy Wonka: Youre all quite short, arent you? #Violet Beauregarde: Well yeah, were children. #Willy Wonka: Well thats no excuse. I was never as short as you #Mike Teavee: You were once. #Willy Wonka: Was not. Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short little arms. You could never reach.