Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player NameWULFGAR
User ID42362
TitleDuke [W15]
CityC113 The.Great.White.North
Games13645 (9796 MU-games and 3849 SU-games)
Registered on29.12.2003
LanguageEnglish (en)
Appear lineWULFGAR appears suddenly with aegis-fang in hand.
Disappear lineWULFGAR disappers back to mithril hall.
Login lineWULFGAR leaves mithril hall with aegis-fang in hand.
Logout lineWULFGAR leaves with aegis-fang back to mithril hall.
DescriptionMy god this game is giving me an ulcer.