Player information
Player Information | |
Player Avatar | |
Player Name | Stico |
User ID | 72345 |
Title | Fürst [W14] |
City | C0 ARMfeld |
MUSpiele | 3599 |
SUSpiele | 102 |
Games | 3701 (3599 MU-games and 102 SU-games) |
Registered on | 05.09.2004 |
Birthday | 16.08.1978 |
Language | Deutsch (de) |
Appear line | Stico arrives and, man, does he smell great today!! |
Disappear line | Stico goes away but leaves his heavenly smell especially for you! |
Login line | Stico crawls out of the ground |
Logout line | Stico digs a hole and disappears in it |