
TitelMagd [W2]
StadtC0 ARMfeld
Spiele15 (15 MU/ SU)
SpracheDeutsch (de)
BetretenMajorHorrigan emerges from the crater and smoke the space marine drop pod he arrived in left behind ...
VerlassenMajorHorrigan signals for a Thunderhawk. As it arrives he exclaims,'the God Emperor protects' then he departs ...
LoginMajorHorrigan proclaims,'the God Emperor's finest have arrived. May his light burn brightly and eternally!''
LogoutMajorHorrigan proclaims,'the God Emperor's finest depart.But fear not for his light burns brightly and eternally'
Beschreibunga tall, buzz cut man around fifty in black army fatigues. His hair is graying, and his chin sports a few days of worth of beard growth. His shoulder patch, depicting a golden apple within a pentagon, identifies him as knight of the five sided temple, an elite command unit within the Erisian Legion of Discord chapter.