Player Avatar | |
Player Name | MaOaM |
User ID | 187276 |
Title | Kronprinz [W19] |
City | C0 ARMfeld |
MUSpiele | 32029 |
SUSpiele | 38 |
Games | 32067 (32029 MU-games and 38 SU-games) |
Registered on | 29.04.2007 |
Birthday | 10.10.1982 |
Language | Deutsch (de) |
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Appear line | MaOaM Erwarte das Unerwartbare |
Disappear line | MaOaM ist weg, ihr habt schon genug von mir. |
Login line | MaOaM Bin das Baby müsst mich lieb haben!!! |
Logout line | MaOaM und das Leben is kein Ponyhof!!!! |
Description | No Risk No Fun :)
More Risk More Fun
This is 10% Luck 20% Skill 15% Concentrated power of will 5% pleasure 50% pain and a 100% Reason to remember the name