Player Avatar |  |
Player Name | Linnaeus |
User ID | 49138 |
Title | Prince [W18] |
City | C113 The.Great.White.North |
MUSpiele | 5654 |
SUSpiele | 85 |
Games | 5739 (5654 MU-games and 85 SU-games) |
Registered on | 27.03.2004 |
Birthday | 10.07.1972 |
Language | English (en) |
| |
Appear line | Linnaeus comes in looking for fresh data |
Disappear line | Linnaeus heads back to his laboratory |
Login line | Linnaeus is experimenting once more |
Logout line | Linnaeus is going to ponder what he has seen for a while |
Description | From Nova Scotia, Canada. I prefer heavier games, like Princes of Florence, but I play most stuff on BSW if I have the right company :) |