Player information
Player Information | |
Player Avatar | ![]() |
Player Name | LSDork |
User ID | 181288 |
Title | Prince [W18] |
City | C0 ARMfeld |
MUSpiele | 9553 |
Games | 9553 (9553 MU-games and SU-games) |
Registered on | 04.03.2007 |
Birthday | 19.07.1981 |
Language | English (en) |
Appear line | LSDork: Did it just get Dorkier in here? |
Disappear line | LSDork: Good he's gone. Now the cool people will show up. |
Login line | LSDork has left reality to play some games. |
Logout line | LSDork: has left the game to tend to reality. |
Description | Law School Graduate in Minnesota. |