Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player NameJuniorMcSpiffy
User ID23187
TitleKronprinz [W19]
CityC10 EnglishTown
Games20656 (12474 MU-games and 8182 SU-games)
Registered on21.11.2002
LanguageDeutsch (de)
Appear lineJuniorMcSpiffy asks 'Can I play? Can I? Huh? Can I? Can I play? Huh? Can I?'
Disappear lineJuniorMcSpiffy is a few particles short of a billion, if you know what I mean.....
Login lineJuniorMcSpiffy wonders.... who is this Brett fellow, and why does he spiel so welt?
Logout lineJuniorMcSpiffy is a few particles short of a billion, if you know what I mean.....
DescriptionI'm makin' gravy without the lumps!