Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player NameArkady
User ID29522
TitleDrache der Weissagung [W19]
CityC30 Dragontown
Games33528 (29982 MU-games and 3546 SU-games)
Registered on09.04.2003
LanguageDeutsch (de)
Appear lineArkady schaut sich hier mal um.
Disappear lineArkady schwirrt ab
Login lineArkady wendet sich den wichtigen Dingen des Lebens zu - Spielen!
Logout lineArkady - jetzt aber ab in die Heia!
DescriptionHi! Nice to meet you! I like playing in a friendly athmosphere and do my best to contribute to that. I'm a competitive player and I try to improve my strategy and tactics - comments on the game are welcome. Also, if you need advice on any game, feel free to ask :). Real Life always comes first. If you have to leave out of a sudden - that's ok with me, but please tell me because otherwise I wait quite some time for your return.