Player information

Player Information
Player AvatarUserbild
Player Name4funonly
User ID344559
TitleGraf [W13]
CityC0 ARMfeld
Games1380 (1007 MU-games and 373 SU-games)
Registered on23.03.2010
LanguageDeutsch (de)
Appear line4funonly materialisiert sich und sagt hallo. / suddenly appears and says hello
Disappear line4funonly sagt Tschuess und loest sich auf. / says good-bye and dissolves into thin air
Login line4funonly erscheint aus dem Nichts. /suddenly appears from out of nowhere.
Logout line4funonly loest sich in Nichts auf. / quietly disappears back to nowhere.
Description* Words can only fly as far as they are thrown, but meanings can swim the deepest ocean. (SER) 2 have fun (squared / hoch 2) = 4funonly