With /join can enter 4 to 5 players into the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the game management use.
Each player receives a house with a garden and ten game characters (five different, two each)
Each player must go through three consecutive subtracts per round.
At the beginning of his course, a player receives for all his play figures, which he has accommodated in foreign houses, which pays out the corresponding income from the bank. This automatically takes over the game server.
All players are familiar with their own ducats, the ducats of the other players are secret. (In the first round of the game no income can be collected, as there are no play figures in the houses.)
In the second part of his train, a player must take all the play characters that his fellow players have placed in the park into his house (except conflicts). In which areas he places the game characters depends, among other things, on the bribe sums that the affected fellow players now pay him: the first fellow player (clockwise reihum) who placed a figure in the park must select a bribe sum on the top left.
By clicking on the + character, the amount is displayed under the game figure in the park. By clicking on Ok, the amount is paid to the bribe.
The bribe sums shall be at least 10,000 ducats or any multiple thereof. After all the participating players have paid their bribes to the owners, they take up the play figures in their house by pulling the platelets successively with Drag&Drop to the desired areas. Care must be taken to ensure that there is always only one character in one area.
The landlord can walk through his head all the essential aspects (the amount of bribe sums, the possibly expressed clues, desires or even threats of his fellow players, his own intentions and much more) and then - completely according to his own good wishes and regardless of the bribe sums or any previous agreements! - the play figures on different, free areas of his house. This second part of his first train is also dispensed with for the starter, as there are no play figures in his park.
Since every professional group can only be represented once in a house, conflicts between the characters of the same profession occur again and again.
After all non-conflicts have first been negotiated, the conflicts will then be resolved.
First of all, the rather rare external conflict is resolved, so the one in which no figure is affected in the house, but only in the park speculate several figures of the same profession on the takeover of an area.
Here too, the sequence of seats decides who has to be the first. After all the parties have paid, a figure is placed in one area by the owner of the house by Drag&Drop; all other characters involved in this dispute are automatically banned and can no longer be used for the rest of the game.
Lastly, the more common inner conflict is decided, so that one figure that is already in the house is attacked by one or more figures of the same profession from the park. In this case, the player whose figure is attacked in the house must again pay a bribe to the owners, always first. After that, his attackers pay in the order of the seat. The owner then determines whether the defender or one of the attackers takes over this area and thus displaces the previous one. All underlying game characters are banned for the rest of the game.
If you want to use an attacker from the park, you can drag him to the area where the defender sits with Drag&Drop. This is then automatically banned.
If the defender is to sit, you pull the lost attacker left behind the house where he is banished.
If there are several inner conflicts, the lowest doped is first clarified, then the next higher, etc., until all conflicts are finally resolved and there is no figure left in the park.
In the third part of his train, a player must always play two game characters from his foreground. These figures must never be presented with only one player, but are always sent out to two different houses.
You will be dragged to a board of players using Drag&Drop. There they wait to be recorded by the corresponding players. In your own palace, game characters can never come.
There are no further restrictions. In particular, a player does not have to distribute his play figures uniformly. For example, up to five game characters from a player can be accommodated to one and the same court over several rounds.
However, one cannot put the same figure in the same house again, so that one would attack oneself.
In the sixth and thus last round, the third part of the train is lost for all players, as all the game characters have already been brought into play.
ARMistice is on and must send out
Sam's up and has to put his house out of his garden.
ARMistice must bribe
Fred has to wait.
Using the status display on the top left, you can see what action needs to be done:
After the sixth round the game ends. Then each player receives the corresponding income once again for all figures in houses.
It wins the player who could gather most ducats.
That's how you hear some tricky tips:
Don't let an opportunity to interfere in any conversation, in any negotiation, in any dispute. Ask, threatens, annoys, haunts, asks, expects, argues, opportunes, where you can only - main thing, it works in your sense!
Enter as many agreements and promises as you just want - as long as you are the ones who break them first! But also consider the motto "One hand washes the other". Fairness and reliability at the right time can also show much success.
Put your characters in mind. Also pay attention to which characters the fellow players still have in stock. Make your chances to attack successfully somewhere. However, if the prospects are small, it is not possible. Distribute the strange characters in your house well-considered. Try to cash as much bribe as possible.
And always remember the one: it's just a game!
So get back here!