Over the course of the game, you put more and more card cards on your deposit stack and thus collect victory point around victory point. But you often have to give your beautiful maps to your neighbors. Who has the most points in the end is winner.
The starter begins, after which it continues in the clockwise direction. If you are on the row (white bars under the player name), you must play one of your 4 handcards. This map
you always want to put on your own stack, because only in this way does it bring you win points.
To do this, however, the card must match either the color or the number with the current top card of your stack, just as with “Mau Mau”.
Does one of your two neighbors (picture (4)) have a card that matches your card (in number or color)? Then you must
you put your card on one of these stacks, whether you want or not.
The stacks to which you can place a card will be displayed as soon as you select the card with a light green edge. (The own, with one or even two neighbors)
If you play the card (withdraw to the middle), the card is automatically placed on the stack on which it has to follow the rules. If there is the possibility that you can place a card either with your left or your right neighbour, the page on which you "lost" the card to whom you will assign this card.
Can't you or do you want to play on your neighbor's stack? Then you have a second option: You put the card on the lower edge and show that you turn this card around as "HeulDoch-Zwiebel" on your stack.
If you have a "HeulDoch onion" on your stack, you can place any handcard on it. However, the rule still applies if the number or color must fit Give them to your neighbors and take them there.
The game ends when no more cards are in the game. So the drawer stack is used up and all the remaining hand cards are played.
Now it is looked at how many HeulDoch bulbs you have in the stack. This number devalues all corresponding number cards in their own stack, i.e. these cards
(e.g. Do you have 5 HeulDoch onions in the stack do not count all collected 5 onions.)
All other cards now count as many points as their numerical value indicates. The player with most points becomes the winner and certainly does not have to cry.
If you play the carousel, you will determine whether the top card of all stacks is passed to the left or to the right around a place.
If you play out the “catapult”, that card with the highest numerical value is discarded and removed on a storage stack by the catapult. If several players (possibly including yourself!) have the highest numerical value, all of them will be discarded.
If you play the “Werwolf”, then all players (so you too) have to turn around the top card of their deposit stack, i.e. from a number card a heul will be!
Play the “beach cloth” and pull it over the stack of a co-player you exchange the top card of your stack with the top card of this co-player. This may also be Heul!
There are maps of 1-7 in exactly 7 onion colours. Each of these 49 cards is exactly 2x in the stack. In addition, there are 12 special cards each of these 4 special cards exactly 3x.