With /join 3-8 players can join the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the Game Tool!
How many terms are there in the encyclopedia (or Duden), no-one knows - this game is about knowledge or innovation. Whoever can convince the other players that their definition is correct gets the points. If you guess the correct answer you also score.
Note: These instructions describe the basic variant of the game, based on the "Standard" question set. In addition, other variations are also possible, which are supported by additional question sets (adjustable via option).
At the beginning of each round a question appears in a box in the top right hand of the screen. If you don't know the answer to the question you must make one up. You want the other players to pick your answer, therefore your answer should be convincing. Click on the box in the yellow scroll and type in your answer. Then click the 'Enter' button. You can modify your answers up until everyone has completed filling in theirs. Use the arrow keys, backspace (to delete) or mouse to edit the text (if necessary). Typically you have 60 seconds in which to complete your answer. This value can be modified via the game wizard/options before the start of the game. Players who have submitted their answers are marked by a *.
Once the time runs out, or when all players have submitted a question, then the answer phase begins.
At this point in the game, all the answers provided will be shown. For each player failing to submit an answer on time, there will be one less answer available to see from. Select the answer which you believe to be correct by clicking it with the mouse. You can still change your mind until everyone has chosen. You cannot select your own answer (represented by your color). Typically you have 30 seconds to select an answer (again this value can be modified via the game wizard/options before the start of the game). Once time is up the round is scored. If you failed to choose then too late!
During this phase, all players answers are shown with the player's colors and the number of people who chose those answers highlighted by * against each. The correct answer is always shown in black. Again the answers chosen by each player is shown by their colored *.
You score 1 point if you chose the correct answer. If other players chose your answer then you will score 1 point for the first, 2 for the second, three for the third and so on.
Click 'OK' to confirm the score and start the next round.
The game ends when a player reaches one of the following scores:
The maximum time (in seconds) in which each player can type their answer.
The maximum time (in seconds), in which each player can choose an answer. span>
Various question sets are available. The currently available theme sets can be listed in a pipe room using the game management tool or the command "/option set help".
With this option the 'correct answer' black is not available. You can only choose from other player's answers. Scoring is the same, however, if you do not click an answer you score -1.
You can if you want create your own question set. You should if doing so make the set large so that there are many questions to chose from to avoid repetition.
A question set is a simple text file. Each line must contain
It is also possible to write questions without answers. To do so terminate each line with a #.
Please send new question sets by email to slc@brettspielwelt.de < /p>