With /join 2 to 5 players can enter the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the game management use.
Each player leads six pirates of a color and tries to allow them to escape through the narrow tunnel connecting the fortress to the coast. There's a soup waiting for the escape. As soon as a player has all the pirates of his color on board, the scarf immediately lights anchor - and ends the game.
Whoever is on the line may pull once, twice or three times. You can also fit (click arrow). Otherwise, two train versions are possible:
Forward pulling you draw one of his symbol cards to the figure you want to move forward. The figure then lands on the next free field, which carries this symbol or in the boat, if there is no free field anymore.
To withdraw moving the corresponding male with drag and drop. It is only possible to draw to the rearmost field on which exactly one or two figures of any color are standing (empty fields or three pirates are skipped). According to the number of pirates previously placed on the reached field, the player draws one or two cards.
At the upper edge of the picture there are twelve cards which are drawn from the left beginning. If these cards are out, twelve new ones will be designed.
The player who first has all the characters in the boat wins the game.
If you do not select an option, the option "Tortuga" is automatically set, in which both the handcards and the postcards are visible to all.
With /option jamaika both the handcards and the postcards are covered.
With /option hispaniola the handcards are covered, the draw cards are open.