The dealers and builders are an extension to Carcassonne. Here the rule supplements are described. The rules of the basic game can be found directly under Carcassonne. There are 24 new boxes as well as a pig and a builder. For this purpose, the first extension and/or the flow can also be played.
The builder (right on the right) is placed on a street or in a city where you are already represented with at least one figure. Every time you expand this street/city, you can take an extra train. However, more than two trains in a row are not possible. If you have closed a city/road with the first train, you can use the builder directly in the second train.
The pig is placed on a meadow on which you yourself are represented with at least one farmer. If you have the majority on this meadow at the end of the game, you get four instead of three points for each city there. Attention: foreign pigs do not bring an advantage to themselves.
There are raw materials on some new city maps. If a city containing such raw materials is closed, the player who placed the last part to close the city gets the raw materials. He receives all the raw materials from this city regardless of whether he had a figure in the city himself. At the end of the game, there are ten points extra for the affected players for the majority of each commodity type.