In BRILLIANT, you try to fill the squares on your game board with numbers faster than everyone else.
To do this, you must enter one of two numbers rolled next to a number already entered.
The map is divided into different colored areas, which are subject to certain rules for entering the numbers.
The faster you complete an area, the more points you get.
Whoever reaches a certain minimum number of points first at the end of the game wins the game.
You can download the complete rules here.
At the beginning, the starting numbers 1 - 6 are in each of the 6 color areas.
An area is all contiguous (or connected by a line) fields of one color on the game board.
Color-coded scoring fields are always assigned to the areas at the edge.
These are connected to the corresponding color fields in the grid via lines.
If a value field has no line to a color area, this value field counts for all (also not connected) fields of this color.
2 dice are rolled.
You can now choose one of the numbers rolled and enter it in your grid.
The selected number must be entered vertically or horizontally next to the (already entered) number of the second die.
The rules of the respective area in which you are entering must be observed.
Afterwards, the dice are rolled again and you can enter one of the two numbers again.
There are no specifications in green areas. You can enter any number in any green field.
In blue and gray areas, all numbers must be the same.
In red and yellow areas, all numbers must be different. No number may appear twice.
Only a maximum of two different numbers may be entered in purple areas.
You may only enter numbers from 1-3 or only numbers from 4-6 in orange areas.
The first person to complete all fields in an area receives the highest of the 3 scores entered in the corresponding scoring field - the second person to do so receives the 2nd score.
If several people complete the same area in the same turn, they all receive the same number of points.
The third point value for an area is never crossed out. Everyone who completes an area can still achieve at least these points.
When you have completed several areas after a few rounds and someone reaches (or exceeds) a certain point value, the game ends.
If you have played with 5 or more people, you must reach 20 points.
With 4 people it is 22 points and with 3 people 24 points.
If you are playing in pairs, you must score at least 26 points.
It can happen that several people reach or exceed the required points at the same time.
In this case, the higher score wins. In the event of a tie, everyone with the highest score wins together.